Microsoft Exam MO-200: Microsoft Excel 2019

Microsoft Exam MO-200 Course Outline

The exam MO-200 will evaluate the candidates on the basis of below-mentioned domains

1. Manage worksheets and workbooks (10-15%)

Import data into workbooks (Microsoft Documentation: Get data from Excel workbook files)

Navigate within workbooks (Microsoft Reference: Two tips for faster worksheet navigation)

Format worksheets and workbooks (Microsoft Reference: Ways to format a worksheet)

Customize options and views (Microsoft Reference: Create, change, or customize a view)

Configure content for collaboration (Microsoft Documentation: Collaborate with guests on a document)

2. Manage data cells and ranges (20-25%)

Manipulate data in worksheets

Format cells and ranges (Microsoft Reference: Highlight patterns and trends with conditional formatting)

Define and reference named ranges

Summarize data visually (Microsoft Documentation: Summarize Query Results (Visual Database Tools))

3. Manage tables and table data (15-20%)

Create and format tables

Modify tables (Microsoft Reference: Create or modify tables or indexes by using a data-definition query)

Filter and sort table data (Microsoft Reference: Sort data in a table)

4. Perform operations by using formulas and functions (20-25%)

Insert references (Microsoft Reference: Add citations to your document)

Calculate and transform data (Microsoft Reference: Get & Transform in Excel)

Format and modify text (Microsoft Reference: Customize or create new styles)

  • Format text by using RIGHT (), LEFT (), and MID () functions
  • Formatting text by using UPPER (), LOWER (), and LEN () functions (Microsoft Reference: Text functions (reference))
  • Format text by using the CONCAT () and TEXTJOIN () functions (Microsoft Reference: TEXTJOIN function)
5. Manage charts (20-25%)

Create charts (Microsoft Reference: Create a chart from start to finish)

Modify charts (Microsoft Reference: Change the chart type of an existing chart)

Format charts (Microsoft Reference: Present data in a chart)

Microsoft Exam MO-200: Microsoft Excel 2019 Reviewed by Tin học MOS on tháng 9 02, 2023 Rating: 5

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